WORDWIZZ.TXT ------------ Word Wizzard is a small game made and in run with DataShow. Word Wizzard demonstrates a few of the many capabilities of DataShow. DataShow makes it easy to make a lot of powerfull things with limited effort. You simply start Math Wizzard by using the accompanying mathwizz.bat file by simply typing MATHWIZZ and then pressing the key. The object of Word Wizzard is to guess a word, after you have been given a discription. So after a short discription has been written on the screen, you enter what ever you believe to be the answer. Word Wizzard then tells you if you answer is correct or not. Example: It has an engine It has 4 rubber wheels What is it? IF you enter CAR here, you're right! See the potential for making lots of similar scripts in DataShow? This script can easily be converted to Graphics mode for fancy displays and lots of other features can easily be added. GOOD LUCK, from RMP Data